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Our Team

Steve Teng KCN Headshot.png

Steve is passionate about working at the intersection of business, faith, justice & mercy...

Wesley Fang KCN Headshot.png

Wes has spent his career exercising and studying the  intersection between faith and entrepreneurship...

Katie Nguyen Palomares KCN Headshot.png

Katie is passionate about engaging in the work to partner with the historically overlooked and empower every believer to make a Kingdom impact wherever they're rooted...

Karla Saldaña - headshot.jpg

Karla is passionate about evangelism, going on 30 years of ministry in the Austin area...

Board Members

Service. Expertise. Community.

Our board consists of community leaders from diverse backgrounds and experiences and acts as support to our mission of empowering Kingdom-minded small businesses to serve their communities.

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